Help Bristol Antifascists

September 18th, 2024 by inquilab

This summer has seen a resurgence of racist, fascist violence. Organised grassroots communities turned out to oppose bigotry and stop riots – showing the power of our collective action. Communities defended themselves as the police again proved themselves to be either unable or unwilling to do so.

Our values of love, solidarity and grassroots community organising will always be stronger than the fascists. Now, we turn outwards to build a society that does not produce racist violence.

Bristol Antifascists are raising desperately needed funds to combat the growing far-right threat across south-west Britain and the wider country. All donations will be used towards events, travel costs, solidarity with those injured and arrested during recent attacks, and organising with other antifascists across our varied communities.

    – “Nothing’s more important than stopping fascism, because fascism will stop us all.” Fred Hampton



Pro UK fascists get tae fuck 07.09.24

September 8th, 2024 by inquilab

200 fascists descended on George Square Glasgow and were outnumbered 10 to 1 by 2000 antifascists in what can only be described as a bigger victory for the Scottish anti racist movement than Celtic’s 3 nil victory over Rangers at Celtic Park last Sunday.



Antifascists arrived at 11am and took over the square early with fascists starting to arrive from mid day onwards. Fascist conspiracy nuts set up what resembled a protest camp full of badly painted banners with slogans like “No More Brother Wars”, “5g + Chemtrails = Covid 19”, “God Save King Charles III”, “Free Sam Melia”, “Free James Costello”, “Two Tier Kier”, “Stop Anti-White Uniparty” and “Deport Not Support” as well as “No Justice No Peace” which they’ve stolen from us. The man responsible for the display, a white hippy nazi (nippy?) with dreads was non ironically wearing a tin foil hat!



Sam Melia was sent to prison for running a network called the hundred handers which mass produced stickers with racist slogans and slurs and tried to cover the UK with them from Cornwall to the north of Ireland. When police raided his house they found books by Oswald Mosley leader of the blackshirts in his bedroom and a poster of Hitler stuck up in his garage.

James Costello is a pseudo-scientific and pseudo-religious fascist who calls himself “The reverend”. He was sent to prison for 18 offences of stirring up racial hatred on a website he ran which called for the establishment of a white master race through a purification process as he claims the white race doesn’t currently exist. Stickers were also key to his plans to create a white race and recordings on his website called for the violent subjugation and destruction of Jewish people, black people and people of colour. He also exchanged letters and postcards with his friend the convicted terrorist and national action member Jack Renshaw.



The majority of the fascists were masked up and dressed in black bloc. The fash bloc was a mix of “peaceful hooligans” from the rangers firm Union Bears and bus loads of English fascists including individuals associated with the BNP and networks close to the banned terrorist group National Action, who’s members are starting to get out of prison and back onto the streets. Some of the fascists shouted “We’re not racist! We’re not Nazis” while other fascists sieg hailed. There clearly hadn’t been consensus over whether to be open about their racism or to be in denial about it. Some fascists waved Isreal flags while other fascists got on the megaphone and gave speeches about how the people of Israel weren’t really Jewish and that the Scottish people were the real Jews of the bible, descended from the bloodline of Judah, and that they were reclaiming the Star of David as a Scottish flag.



Celtic’s green brigade were the largest and most active black bloc group on the antifascist side, alongside the newly re-formed Glasgow Antifascists and autonomous anarchists also masked up. SUTR were also present along side a number of socialist groups and trade unions. The vast majority of people on the antifascist side however were politically unaligned and ordinary members of the Glaswegian public there to make clear that Glasgow is an overwhelmingly anti-racist city.



Antifascists brought a huge soundsystem and drowned out all fascist speeches and chants by blasting a set list of Palestinian and Kurdish revolutionary songs, folk music from the International brigades, rebel songs, glaswegian hiphop and donk. People from some of Glasgow’s Muslim communities were teaching everyone dubkeh and Kurdish dancing and there was a mood of celebration at the communities victory and safety in unity, following the racist riots across much of the rest of the UK. The mood of celebration on our side was a sharp contrast to the anger and embarrassment on the fascist side and it was making the fascists depressed and wishing they could switch sides.



At one point hundreds of antifascists were clapping and singing “if you all hate racists clap your hands”. A little girl one of the fascists had brought with him was enjoying the chant and started smiling and clapping her hands with us. Sadly her dad responded by taking her aside, yelling at her and telling her off until she started crying. We can break the chain of generational trauma and hate being handed down and are convinced she will remember the experience and be free and stand on our side of the lines one day.



The police demonstrated their bias and allegiance to the fascists by kettling half of the green brigade for the whole of the demo, while the rangers firm were never kettled and permitted to freely mingle with the rest of the fascist demo. The police escorted the cordoned section of the green brigade right next to the rangers firm so that the rangers firm could throw bottles at them, but all the bottles missed, just like Rangers attempts to score last Sunday. The police tried to march the green brigade away from the square but antifascists blocked the road in front of the police and refused to allow them to move the bhoys away from our demo.

Elders from Glasgow’s Asian communities and trade union leaders came and tried to negotiate and persuade police commanders to let the bhoys out of the kettle and join our demonstration, explaining that they would cause no trouble at all and were much loved members of the community. Clearly the kettling of the green brigade and separating them from our demo was a complete waste of police resources. The excuse the police gave as to why they were kettling the green brigade and not the rangers black bloc was that Celtic were better fighters and that if there was any disorder the rangers would lose and so would need protection. However this excuse seems obsolete as Celtic were peaceful and on top form throughout and the police made no arrests at all when the rangers firm threw bottles.

Antifascists were well organised with free food, water and tea being distributed, first aiders on hand if needed and later waves of people arriving to replace people who’d been there from very early who were ready to leave. Fascists had to pass through the antifascist crowd to get to their demo and many lost placards and Union Jack flags in the process. The conspiracy fash took down their banners before the end of the demo to prevent them being confiscated but were only able to save some of their banners. Some of the Celtic firm were able to escape the kettle despite the police’s best efforts and they had only managed to kettle half the firm. As the fascists were leaving the police let the bhoys out of the kettle without making any arrests. Despite the best efforts of the police it was still a victorious day for Glasgow’s anti-racist public. Antifascists remained in the area throughout the evening filling the central Glasgow pubs while the fascists were escorted out of the area and back to regular fascist pubs in Govan and Bridgeton.



Historically the Irish republican movement were an inspiration and huge support for the Indian revolutionary movement fighting for freedom from the British Empire. These bonds don’t get forgotten, the Asian Youth Movement made links with Irish republicans in the 80s and Desi antifascists are continuing to support Irish republicanism and the Celtic firm through the current era.

In Glasgow the whole of the republican movement, led by the green brigade have come out as anti-racist, and a growing number of rangers fans are starting to come out as anti-racist and anti-fascist. The green brigade have consistently come out to welcome refugees and support Glasgow’s Black and Asian communities, taking a zero tolerance policy to racism as well as reaching out to and looking to build links and win over people from Protestant backgrounds.

Meanwhile in Ireland most republicans are antifascist but a section of the republicans have united with loyalists on the side of the far right to take part in anti-immigration demonstrations and racist riots. While several working class communities have come out and ran fascist mobs out of their areas, some leading republican groups have responded to the riots by refusing to take sides and march with the antifascists, arguing they need to listen to the views of people in their republican base. The success of yesterday and the far rights failure to build the support and momentum they need to riot and carry out racist attacks on a mass scale anywhere in Scotland is a direct consequence of the strategy and attitude of Glasgow’s republicans. Fascism must be smashed in its infancy and appeasing them by giving into and adopting, or failing to challenge the far right’s political lines scapegoating refugees and all people of colour does nothing but provide succour for the fascist movement. Instead we need to respond with working class unity in the fight against our collective enemies.

Some English communists are beginning to copy the mistakes of the right wing minority among Ireland’s republicans. The YCL and CPB have responded to the racist riots by denying the racism of many of the rioters and calling for the neo-liberal British state to increase deportation and state kidnapping of migrants outcasted and deemed as illegal as part of a “nuanced” position on immigration. We need to dismantle colonialism until no one is forced to become a refugee or pressurised to migrate away from poverty and follow the flow of colonised and stolen resources and wealth. Some long-standing people in the anarchist scene and former anarchists such as Russell Brand have also sympathised with the racist rioters while others have tried to both sides the issue in analysis attributing portions of the blame to what they claim is hatred of white people by some people of colour.

Fascism will never be defeated through solely focussing on a reactive strategy of responding to their moves with counter demos. The arguments against racism also need to be put forward and won among our groups of friends, our families and communities and our political scenes. The sections of the white working class targeted by fascists for recruitment need to and will be won round. The left and antifascist movement need to offer them better than what the far right can. Through the music scenes we can offer them better parties while politically our movements need to be directly improving peoples material situations as well as making clear who is responsible for everyday oppression and subjugation and who exactly the elite really is. There are lessons we need to learn from the success of Glasgow’s antifascist movement and keep moving towards replicating throughout Britain and Ireland.


Running Down The Walls 27/08/24

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab

Statement for Running Down The Walls 2024 by Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone:

I’ll be joining the 5km Running Down The Walls event in September that is organised by our comrades across the Atlantic in the United States. This initiative is another date in the calendar that can help build a revolutionary narrative that prisoners and those outside can participate in together. It promotes physical training and fitness with a mindset of solidarity in struggle. These kind of events give us strength and development. A huge shout out to all those taking part. I write this during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners, in combative memory of the state murders of Sacco and Vanzetti in Boston 1927.

P.S. A greeting also to the rebel prisoners in Italy, I heard of the revolts even here in high security. 

Toby Shone


HMP Garth North West UK

Legal observers witness first-hand the chaos and racism of riot policing

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab


A report by Netpol:

While the government response to far-right street violence around the country in August has been to promise more resources for public order policing – Keir Starmer’s so-called “standing army” of riot officers – it is impossible to characterise the shocking wave of racist and anti-migrant attacks as ‘protests’.

Instead, what we have seen is terrorised communities and numerous anti-fascist counter-demonstrations called to defend them. Community and anti-fascist groups have come together to defend homes, businesses and places of worship, sometimes having to offer physical protection against far-right violence.

Netpol has spoken to several frontline legal groups who have been supporting the counter-protests by monitoring the police. Their experiences reveal how policing operations have been far more chaotic than portrayed in the media and have frequently targeted anti-fascists while failing to contain far-right violence.

Legal observers and others told us officers were repeatedly more interested in anti-fascists and in legal observers who were monitoring the use of police powers. They also documented incidents of the police racially profiling Black and brown youth attending anti-fascist protests and aggressive and Islamophobic policing of racialised protesters attempting to defend their own communities.

Testimonies from independent legal observer groups also show how they are currently very stretched and urgently need more volunteers.

On Saturday 3 August, for example, there were three demonstrations in Manchester: a Palestine solidarity protest, a Trans Pride march and an anti-fascist mobilisation. Green and Black Cross (GBC) Manchester had legal observers on the streets for all three, with Greater Manchester Police deploying large numbers of officers with helmets, police dogs and horses in the city centre. Their particular focus, however, was on the anti-fascists, who were allowed to march but eventually kettled. An organiser of the GBC Manchester legal observer team told us:

“Legal observers there were threatened with arrest by a PLO [Police Liaison Officer] for breach of the peace. The same PLO also pushed a legal observer into the road with oncoming traffic. The PLOs were no longer pretending to be nice with us.”

The GBC team organiser added:

“In the afternoon I then travelled over to Liverpool. A legal observer on the ground there had his face covering removed under section 60AA [powers] and was not allowed to get behind police lines. The situation soon escalated, and the police could not control the hundreds of far right who were making their way from the city centre towards the Pier Head.

It was impossible for legal observers to make notes as the situation became violent from the far right who were throwing chairs, bottles and other missiles towards us. Merseyside police completely lost control”.

On the same day in Bristol, hundreds of far-right protesters gathered near Castle Park, opposed by a large counter-demonstration. Later in the evening, a far-right group tried to attack a hotel that houses asylum seekers. A Bristol legal observer told us:

“Avon and Somerset Police were, frankly, completely hopeless. At the initial rally at Castle Park, their attention was more on anti-fascists removing their face coverings than on the far right. Fascist demonstrators had publicly stated their intention to attack a local hotel housing asylum seekers, but there were no police officers stationed at the hotel earlier in the day and other than the one or two that had followed anti-fascists there, none later. As a result, local people had no option but to link arms and physically block the entrance and prevent the far right from storming the building.”

Chris Rossdale wrote on X:

“The only reason a gang of fascists didn’t break into a hotel housing asylum seekers in Bristol last night is because anti-fascists stopped them. Police were nowhere.

Fuck any reporting that talks about ‘rival protests’ rather than making clear those stakes and battle lines.”

When local people gathered again to resist the fascists on the Wednesday [7 August], this time with many of the shops boarded up out of fear of more far-right violence, officers again seemed most interested in trying to enforce a section 60 AA [masking] order against the counter demonstration.

I had a long, pointless argument with an officer because I was wearing a disposable covid mask, which he insisted I should remove because it ‘didn’t provide protection’ from covid’. Eventually I was allowed to keep it on, but officers continued to harass young people from the local community, who had come out to protect their neighbourhood and homes, for wearing face coverings”.

On Sunday 3 August, after providing support to four protests the previous day, GBC Manchester mobilised another team of legal observers, this time in Bolton. Police numbers were again large with horses and dogs, riot shields and batons drawn. The legal observer team organiser there told us:

“I presume this was.. [because] of the Muslim community coming out to join the anti-fascists. Section 60 and 60AA were in place and people were asked to remove face coverings but the police were not enforcing this, possibly due to the number of demonstrators. We had given out bust cards and held a brief Know Your Rights session prior to the demo, so were confident if arrested, protestors would know what to do.

Later in the day, as crowds were dispersing, a small number of about 25 all Muslim anti-fascists were kettled at Bolton University. White people were allowed to disperse without police interference or dispersal notices. Police then tried to insist on protesters giving names and addresses and being filmed as a condition for leaving [the kettle]. A legal observer started to give a quick legal briefing on their rights but was then removed by officers, with a senior officer saying ‘get that fucker out of here’, He was kettled on his own until everyone else had been released.”

Netpol has reported many times on the targeting of Black-led protests in Britain, but the disarray and underlying racist attitudes of policing operations mentioned here have not been widely reported. Instead, the media and politicians have largely praised the effectiveness of the police response and promised further resources to the police.

This is why the presence of independent legal observers matters. Volunteers are actively protecting protesters’ rights to freedom of assembly and documenting what the press often does not cover.

For more on how to train up as a legal observer, visit,to%20contain%20far%2Dright%20violence.


September 4th, 2024 by inquilab

AUTHORITY HAS EVERYONE IN A VICE GRIP.Dealing out crumbs through humiliating charity and robotised slavery. With nothing to guarantee any more, the technicians in power promise only crisis and emergency – and soon war. In the guise of defence against the rabid attacks in recent weeks they have enhanced their arsenal of social control against all of us.

MEANWHILE RACIST ATTACKS TAKE PLACE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The perpetrators target ‘immigrants’ (or whoever they classify as such) with abuse, chemical dousing, threats, beatings, fire and bricks. This is the worst kind of cowardice: kneeling in front of bosses and leaders, but leaping up to strike at anyone they fear coming from below them. Without a doubt masses of angry citizens join behind them, perhaps more hesitant to act, but no less lobotomised by fear of the outsider.

What they don’t see is that every inch of space is at the mercy of profit and control. Everyone and everything is molded in the image of an inhuman ‘progress’. The human dream of belonging and co-existence is murdered and re-animated as the zombie of imperiled nationalism.

This disgrace is encouraged by the mass conformity of addiction to politics, media and social media. It is a high-tech attention racket, churning out new things to be terrified of, or furious at – anything to keep you scrolling and clicking.

Now, after the smoke of would-be pogroms has cleared, the state continues to sing its lullaby of ‘safety’ – set in a fairytale kingdom of multicultural unity. But we know its knights in shining armour are cops, judges, screws, snitches, and tech companies selling DIY surveillance. And the unity they defend is only made up of deadly, voluntary obedience – to subhuman housing and rent, life-devouring work, and poisonous consumption.

To let ourselves be lulled by the sham product of ‘security’ comes at a high price – our own living thought and will to act: a nice deal for those with power and privilege, and shameful dispossession for the rest of us, left sitting ducks.

Enough of all that! We won’t help to decorate this exploited wasteland with flags and democratic lies. It’s time to act, face each other, face reality, choose our companions in struggle and confront what is destroying us. In the Harehills neighbourhood of Leeds, the attempt by the cops and social services to abduct several children against their will led to a night of multi-racial rebellion from the combative youth of the area. In Croydon a gathering of 50 people, against a fascist threat that came to nothing, didn’t let the moment go to waste – attacking police and barricading streets.

But we don’t need to wait for the final straw. Let’s form self-organised groups, without flags or leaders, meet, talk, identify the questions that are making our lives unliveable, starving our children, throwing us out into the streets or forcing us to live in urban destitution and humiliation. Without unions or political parties, let’s self-organise the attack on the existent with those we choose and coordinate our struggles, bringing forth quality, solidarity, joy, starting right now to create a world worth living in. Where there is dignity there is revolt!

a few anarchists in South London

Report Back from Dover 17.08.24

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab

Around 300 Antifascists gathered this morning in Dover for a demonstration called by Kent Anti Racism Network and supported by Stand Up To Racism, the Queer and Disabled Block and several crews of autonomous antifascists and anarchists coming from across Kent and well as London and Brighton. 

On Wednesday 7th Anti racists in Dover had been heavily outnumbered by the far right and were targeted by the police, bucking the trend across the country, so if was felt that it was essential to prioritise mobilising in Dover to make sure this couldn’t happen again.

The far right called off their planned demonstration along the sea front at the last minute however around a dozen fascists still showed up. SUTR held a demonstration marching in a circle and avoiding the fascists while the Queer and Disabled Block, supported by movement for justice and autonomous anarchists went out on a separate march to confront the fascists on the sea front. 

Fascists present included a live streamer called Alfie Audits, paper sellers from the Holocaust denying conspiracy rag “The Light”, individuals from GB News, Reform UK, Make Britain Great Again, Paul Golding and a handful of activists from Britain First as well as several local crackheads. A man also drove by and shouted racist abuse in a van belonging to Emmanuel Plumbing & Heating. The fascists were silent when surrounded and outnumbered by antifascists and despite their claims to believe in freedom of speech, refused to answer any questions on what they believed in or why they were there. 

One of the fascists was wearing a tee shirt with a Spitfire logo and when confronted with the fact that spitfires had shot down Nazis in WW2, and if he actually supported the spitfires then he was on the wrong side of police lines, tried to deny this and claimed that the spitfires had never shot down any Nazis. These fascists could potentially benefit from political education and consciousness raising as well as basic history lessons. 

The police attempted to collude with the far right and move on the antifascists but people held our ground and refused to move  until eventually the police were forced to cave in and move away the far right. Dover has historically been an NF stronghold and the EDL splinter group SEA rioted in Dover in 2015 and 2016. More recently Dover has been haunted by Active Patriot and “migrant hunters” looking to boost their online profiles. It is clear that the far right cancelled their “stop the boats” protest due to threat of overwhelming numbers of antifascists, and if people hadn’t got organised and come together the far right may well have rioted in Dover again today.

Antifascists split up and made their way home early in the afternoon believing the far right threat to be over. However as we were on our way home reports started coming in of the Britain First presence, as well as groups of fascists remaining in pubs. People came in on early trains to hold the ground first and it’s understandable that most people don’t have the energy to stay out all day and evening. One learning could be to call for more crews to come out in the late afternoon and evenings to replace earlier groups and help ensure fascists are never able to control the streets unopposed and potentially run riot and carry out racist attacks. 


Stop the fascists, not the boats! 06/08/24

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab



Sur les réseaux sociaux, une quinzaine de fascistes anglais annoncent qu’ils vont venir patrouiller sur le littoral nord français pour “stopper les bateaux” des migrant·e·s à partir du 11 août. Rien qu’en juillet, au moins 7 personnes sont mortes en tentant de traverser la Manche… Ce risque d’attaques racistes augmente encore plus le danger pour celles et ceux qui tentent de passer. Appel à la plus grande vigilance et à actions pour stopper les fachos.

Jeudi 1er août, Alan Leggett, un militant d’extrême-droite anti-immigration très connu dans la fachosphère anglaise a publié sur son compte Twitter (Active Patriot) un appel à venir sur les côtes du littoral nord, dans le but de “stopper les bateaux” des personnes exilées qui partent vers l’Angleterre.

Ce militant xénophobe est déjà venu sur le littoral nord la semaine précédente, accompagné de deux autres fachos (@TruthHurts101 et @veteran_little) pour repérer les lieux et observer la présence policière (insuffisante selon eux) pour empêcher les départs de bateaux… Pendant ce premier séjour de 3 jours, ils ont rencontré par hasard une équipe d’Utopia 56 sur la plage, se sont montrés agressifs, et ont affirmé que les plages étaient maintenant à eux et qu’ils allaient revenir.

Ce retour est prévu, selon Alan Leggett, à partir du 11 août. Après avoir mis en place une levée de fonds, il affirme pourvoir déployer 3 voitures “pleines de chasseurs de migrants” pour patrouiller sur le littoral.

Ne les laissons pas faire ! Soyons vigilant·e·s à la moindre information sur leurs plans et leur présence, et faisons tout pour empêcher ce projet dégueulasse. Tout initiative autonome est la bienvenue, mais attention à la répression : la présence policière est énorme sur le littoral, avec de nombreux contrôles d’identité et fouilles de véhicules.

Stoppons les fachos, pas les bateaux !






On social media, a group of around 15 fascists announced that they will come to the northern French coast to “stop the boats” of migrants from August 11. In July alone, at least 7 people died trying to cross the Channel… This risk of racist attacks further increases the danger for those who try to cross. Call for the greatest vigilance and actions to stop the fascists.

On Thursday, August 1, Alan Leggett, a far-right anti-immigration activist well-known in the English far-right sphere, published on his Twitter account (Active Patriot) a call to come to the coasts of northern France, with the aim of “stopping the boats” of people on the move leaving for England.

This xenophobic activist had already come to the northern coast the week before, accompanied by two other fascists (@TruthHurts101 and @veteran_little) to scout out the area and observe the police presence (insufficient according to them) to prevent the boats from leaving… During this first 3-day stay, they accidentally met a team from Utopia 56 on the beach, were aggressive, and claimed that the beaches were now theirs and that they would return.

This return is planned, according to Alan Leggett, from August 11. After setting up a fundraiser, he claims to be able to deploy 3 cars “full of migrant hunters” to patrol the coastline.

Let’s not let them do it! Let’s be vigilant for any information about their plans and their presence, and let’s do everything to prevent this disgusting project. Any autonomous initiative is welcome, but beware of repression: the police presence is enormous on the coast, with numerous identity checks and vehicle searches.

Stop the fascists, not the boats!


Free Sameer Ali! Free Adnan Ghafoor!

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab


On Friday 9th August, at Leeds Crown Court, 2 Muslim Asian men who had defended themselves from the white pogroms of early August, were sentenced to nearly 2 years and 2 and half years respectively. The Leeds 2 were at a Palestinian liberation demonstration on August 5th when the nationalist pogroms began. 200 white supremacists attacked the community at the demo, shouting “P*ki” and other racial slurs, levelled at Black and brown people, particularly Muslims. The police did little to protect the demonstrators, treating the perpetrators and victims of this racial attack the same.

The Leeds 2 defended themselves and were charged with affray. Less than a week later, the Leeds 2 were sent to trial at Leeds Crown Court through a fast tracked process, that meant they were unable to mount a reasonable legal defence. They both pled guilty and received hefty custodial sentences.

Connected cases have also arisen in Birmingham. One Muslim man was initially arrested based on rumours that he was carrying a sword at an uneventful demo in Bordesley Green, where hundreds of community members showed up to protect their mosque from fascists who were too afraid to get out of their cars. This “weapon” turned out to be a wooden staff that he carries for religious reasons. Despite the fact that this is clearly not a dangerous weapon, this community member was remanded to custody after only a 20 minute hearing.

Treating victims of harm that defend themselves as aggressors is an affront and is evidence of the racist ‘justice’ system in this country. This is further evidenced by the judge’s decision to sentence one white man in Bolton with just two months despite establishing he was involved in the racist riots. These are not ‘far-right activists’ who were ‘protesting’, they are violent fascists who are firebombing asylum hotels and brutalising our communities.

This brings to mind the Bradford 12, who defended the Black and brown communities against the British National Party in the 1980’s. They were charged with multiple offences, but ultimately freed by a campaign that made it clear: self defence is no offence!

Just as hundreds of people mobilised to the courtroom for the Bradford 12, seeing them ultimately freed, we must come together to stand against this egregious act of injustice. Black, brown and racialised peoples must join up, just as we did in the 80’s in Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham, Hounslow, London and across the so called ‘UK’, we demand justice for the Leeds 2 and all those who have been arrested for taking a stand against fascism.

We are in unwavering solidarity with the Leeds 2 and demand all charges brought against victims to be dropped. Our focus must be eliminating the root cause of this decades-long programme of nationalism and white supremacy for good, and keeping our communities safe from fascism.

Self defence against the national white supremacist pogroms of 2024 are no offence.

Free the Leeds 2! Free them all!

Brought by northern abolitionists, CAGE International, BLM UK and Brum Food Not Cops.

Groups in solidarity with the Leeds 2 please sign below.

Report back from Harrow local defence group 07/08/24

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab

Around 400 anti racists came out last night in North Harrow while the fascist rioters failed to show up at their announced location. If they had shown up they wouldn’t have stood a chance.

Around 100 people joined a protest with speeches and chants called by the local TUC, PSC & Counterfire. On the other side of the junction around 300 people lined every shop in the high street as part of a community defence group put together at 2 days notice. All of the local man dem came out and stood alongside the shopkeepers. There was a very strong turnout from the local Tamil community as well as brothers from Mahfil Ali Mosque and many Hindus and Sikhs coming out in unity and the community defence stayed out long after the protest finished. Many of us planned to travel to Brentford or Hounslow if fash didn’t turn up, but they failed to show up there as well! There was a huge sense of joy among everyone there that our community had come out in such numbers and represented, and that the racist riots we’ve seen across the country weren’t happening on our patch.

The protest was mostly white and the Community defence was mostly Black and Asian but the whole community was united. Only a handful of people linked to the activist scene travelled from other parts of london to support and their support was very much appreciated. This is because most people from the scene were in areas closer to them like Finchley, Walthamstow, Stokey and Croydon, and people up for travelling north west mostly decided to go to Brentford instead where numbers were more needed. Elsewhere in Harrow over 100 brothers stood guard around Harrow Central Mosque late into the night and the fascists came nowhere near.

Unable to have a mob riot the local fash have resorted to tactics they’re describing as “guerrilla warfare”. Reports have been coming in the past few days of a liquid being thown on a hijabi women by a white man which may have been acid, cars of white people driving round shouting racist abuse and death threats at POC, bottles thrown over the fence of a school holding a summer camp and a white van driving around Wembley with a man throwing acid at Muslim women, white men in balaclavas being arrested by police in Harrow on their way to riot and an Indian student fatally stabbed in a possible racist attack. The school has been contacted and confirmed there was an incident, other reports such as fighting in Wealdstone are unconfirmed and can fly around at these times but we know what is taking place. 

Aside from a handful of potential spotters and livestreamers too frightened to film, a Hindutva fascist and confused desi Tommy Robinson supporter called Tirbhuwan Chauhan showed up, and a lone polish fascist started shouting racist abuse in the middle of the crowed and stamped on the foot of a man with his leg in a cast before the fascist was rescued by police. But instead of arresting him the police guarded him in numbers before bundling him away into a getaway car. Another car drove past and a racist punched a protester out the car window before speeding off but the police did nothing about this. Instead the police decided to focus on trying to enforce the section 60 they’d put in place and harass anti racists into removing their face coverings. The police couldn’t get their heads around the fact that the section of society they’re so used to criminalising and stereotyping were the ones who were out to protect our community and prevent a riot. However people looked out for each other and refused to remove our face coverings and despite threats, the police failed to arrest any anti-racists or enforce the section 60. 

Violent riots nationwide, co ordinated racist attacks by lone individuals and small groups  and arson attacks on homes aimed at massacring or expelling ethnic and religious minority groups is the definition of a pogrom. The anger of the racists has been stirred up by the lies of the media, influencers and politicians from New Labour, the tories and the far right, looking to scapegoat and distract from the oppression of the entire working class by our ruling elite. If Keir Starmer now goes ahead with his planned sweep of mass immigration raids then he will be rewarding the racist rioters, showing them their actions lead to results, and ordering the mechanisms of the state to take part in the pogrom and expulsion of the most oppressed and targeted section of our society. For now our mass community resistance nationwide may have halted the riots but we may need to utilise our networks and come out with the same strength to stop the colonial racist state form launching deportations and carrying on the pogrom of the racist rioters.

Bristol Antifascists Statement 03/08/24

September 4th, 2024 by inquilab

Bristol Antifascists Statement:

Yesterday (Saturday 3rd August 2024), Bristol Antifascists joined with antiracist and antifascist groups from Bristol and the South West, along with hundreds of Bristolians, to oppose a far right “Stop the Boats” protest.

We want people to understand up front: hundreds of normal Bristolians held the line yesterday against a brutal, sustained assault by fascists trying to attack a hotel housing migrant and asylum seeker families with very young children. The police absolutely failed in their duty to protect these families.

Disorganised, incompetent and hopelessly outnumbered by fascists, Avon and Somerset Police and the other forces brought in from outside the area would have, if left to their own devices yesterday, allowed a pogrom to happen.

At this stage everyone is familiar with the murders of Bebe, Elsie and Alice in Southport on Monday (29th August 2024). Our hearts are broken for these little girls and their families and loved ones. We cannot imagine the pain they are suffering at this time. We wish a speedy recovery to the other children and adults injured and traumatised by this attack.

Far right and fascist groups are using this tragedy, and the categorically false story that the attacker was a migrant or asylum seeker and a Muslim as an excuse to carry out violent pogroms against those members of our communities around the country.

Bristol Antifascists and our comrades joined a static, peaceful, counter-protest of around 700 people at 6pm at Castle Park. Throughout this hour small groups of fascists and far right attempted to provoke or even attack people around the edges of the protest. By around 7pm a larger group of around 100-200 fascists had gathered nearby in Castle Park. The fascists had clearly been drinking all day, and full of Dutch courage were keen on violence, attempting to March directly into the static-counter protest next to St Nicholas’ Church.

What ensued was a series of attacks against the static protest by fascists as they repeatedly broke through the hopelessly thin police lines. We faced full cans of beer and cider, glass bottles,and large stones being thrown and a series of direct physical assaults by groups of pissed-up and coked-up wannabe hard men, who were repeatedly sent packing by far better organised counter-protestors and antifascists. Even with horses and attack dogs, the police were far too outnumbered and far to disorganised to efectively control the fascists, and collective self defence was the only thing keeping everybody safe.

Eventually the fascists had retreated to Bristol Bridge. Knowing that they were believed to be intending to head to Redcliffe Hill, where the Mercure Hotel housing migrant families is located, a quick decision was made by a total of around 200-250 counter-protestors to head around via Queen Square to the Hotel to protect it.

When we arrived the police were all but completely absent, with a handful of cops on bicycles who had followed us being the only visible presence. Conscious of our potentially scary appearance to residents at the hotel, we made certain to demonstrate our solidarity and love for them, with waves, thumbs up, and heart signs exchanged between antifascists and residents of the hotel. It was really notable just how many of the residents are very young, primary school aged children. The downstairs lobby windows are covered with kids’ drawnings and paintings.

A group of counter-protestors formed a line and linked arms across the hotel entrance while still more of us formed into a tight bloc on the grassy area in front of the hotel. After about 30 minutes a group of around 80-100 fascists, who had broken away from the police on Bristol Bridge, marched up Redcliffe Hill and immediately began to attack us outside the hotel. Again, the police were wildly outnumbered and unable to effectively defend themselves, let alone anyone else.

For a sustained period of around 15-20 minutes, antifascists stood firm, defending ourselves and each other from a constant, intense assault of fists, kicks, bottles and stones thrown at us by fascists intent on attacking the hotel and its residents. The handful of police present flailed, hitting people seemingly at random with batons, and occasionally PAVA-spraying groups of people.

When police enforcements finally arrived in the form of attack dogs, horses and extra officers, the fascists lost their bottle and retreated to the other side of Redcliffe Hill. They remained there in rapidly dwindling numbers, occasionally hurling the odd insult or glass bottle at the counter-protestors, but ultimately unable to muster another attempt at attacking the hotel.

The majority of the 200-250 counter protestors stayed outside the hotel to protect it until around 9pm when Green Party Bristol City Councillors who had began encouraging people to leave telling them that the police would now have the situation under contol. Bristol Antifascists want to make it clear: this was wrong of them. The police had demonstrated a total lack of ability to defend the people housed in the Mercure Hotel or to contain the fascist threat in our city. There was still the potential for fascists to regroup and try again to attack the hotel. Around 50-60 people chose to stay at the hotel as it got dark. We’d received a request from parents inside the hotel to keep things quiet as they were putting young children to bed, and we happily obliged.

At around 10pm, as larger numbers of police arrived at the hotel, those of us remaining decided the time was right to quietly leave as a group and then disperse in a safe area in town. However, this wasn’t before the police decided to reassert their authority after a frankly humiliating day for them. While people were largely sat quietly on the grass or stood around chatting in front of the hotel entrance, a group of cops in riot get suddenly pushed their way to the front of the hotel, hitting, shoving and shouting at counter-protestors for no apparent reason. Fine. Let them believe they’re in charge. Whatever keeps them quiet.

Despite clear confusion and a lack of communication between different groups of police trying to send us in opposite directions, we eventually left the Redcliffe Hill area, and quietly disbanded, blending back into the now quiet night of the city we live in and love so much.

We want to drive that point home: the media and politicians and police will talk about “protestors” and “the public” as though they’re two mutually exclusive groups of people. We *are* the public. This city is *our* home, and the people who live in it, of every race, ethnicity and religion are our neighbours and friends. So too are the residents of the Mercure Hotel. Bristol welcomes migrants and refugees, and we *will* fight for them if we have to.

Yesterday showed the power and importance of community self-defence. Normal Bristolians put themselves in harms way to protect their neighbours in the Mercure hotel, and we stopped a violent, racist mob from doing harm to the families inside. The police were beyond useless, and it was the bravery, moral conviction, and community solidarity of the antifascist counter-protestors that kept the fascists at bay.

Again, we *are* the public. Outside of this we’re normal boring people, with normal boring lives,and normal boring jobs. Antifascism is and must be a community effort, and as this flare-up of far right violence continues, we are going to need everyone to step up and do their part to keep our communities safe around the country.


Every day is the Battle of Cable Street. Keep fighting it.


Always Antifascist. No Pasaran.


Love and Solidarity Forever.


Bristol Antifascists.