Inquilab Zindabad

Inquilaab is a word of Persian origin, meaning revolution, change, turn, or uprising.

Born out of the dying embers of the racist pogroms of summer 2024 and the mass community resistence that put a stop to the riots, Inquilab is a new blog and media platform to amplify the voices and actions of those of us who took part in the resistance, and to strengthen and empower our communities for if and when these attacks happen again. We put out articles, opinion pieces, callouts and demo reports with a focus on anti-fascism, migrant solidarity, prisoner solidarity and music.

How events come to be remembered and perceived in the popular imagination ultimately determines their outcome. Inquilab has been established by the people on the ground, who are shaping the narrative and challenging fake news put out by the corporate media, far right influencers and liberal and reactionary sections of the left / former left who sympathise with the racist rioters and slate the anti-fascist movement.

We publish articles by those on the frontline of resistance to fascism, for those on the frontline, with the intention that sharing our perspectives and analysis will contribute to the effectiveness of actions and resistance taking place.

If you would like us to publish an article, communique or demo report, which can be done anonymously or under a pen name, send it over to

We will occasionally share content we find shared publicly in other places. Whether we publish content sent in is at the discretion of the editorial team. We write in the language of the people and will not share content written in leftist jargon, all perspectives shared are those of the authors and may not reflect the shared views of the collective. We will not share any content that we feel may put comrades at risk.

The nature and history of our peoples is not that of victimhood, begging for protection or hiding away from what’s happening around us and accepting second-class status. Instead the legacy handed down to us is one of sustained struggle until we win freedom. The anti-colonial struggle is still taking place today and is intrinsically bound up with resistance to fascism. We feel honoured to be part of this struggle and to carry on the tradition of those who have come before us. We encourage you all to keep up with Inquilab, write for Inquilab, be inspired by and take part in the changes happening around us and fight for a better world.

Inquilab Zindabad (Urdu: اِنقلاب زِنده باد; Hindi: इंक़िलाब ज़िंदाबाद; Bengali: ইনকিলাব জিন্দাবাদ) is a South Asian phrase, which translates to “Long live the revolution”. The slogan was originally taken up by leftist revolutionaries during the British Raj including the martyrs Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar and Ram Mohammad Singh Azad. This slogan is in use today in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan by civil society activists during protests.


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